MUSEUM GRAND REOPENING/HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE: We had a fantastic turnout for this event and everyone had a great time. Many thanks to the St. Paul Singers who got everyone into the Christmas spirit! The goodies and hot chocolate were delicious. Many items were sold at the Gift Bazaar and this year’s raffle sold more tickets than ever! It was a wonderful day of camaraderie and community. The raffle winners were:
1st PRIZE: $100 Visa Gift Card – Donna Pinkus
2nd PRIZE: Thornton Distilling Gift Package – Elaine Egdorf
3rd PRIZE: 2 tickets for the next Thornton Quarry Tour & Book (value $80) – Camille Barton
4th PRIZE: Hot Toddy Basket featuring Thornton Distilling Rum – Pat Rupcich
5th PRIZE: JJ Kelley’s Gift Card – Kimberly Carlson
6th PRIZE: JJ Kelley’s Gift Card – Jonathan Swetlik
Congratulations! Many thanks to all who participated, and thanks to our generous prize donors. We appreciate you.

MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: Just a reminder that membership renewals are due by March 1. Please print out our enclosed application and mail it along with a check to: Thornton Historical Society, P.O. Box 34, Thornton, IL 60476. Make checks payable to the Society. Feel free to encourage your friends to join. We're always excited to welcome new members!
NOTE: If you joined in the “ber” months of September, October, November or December, your 2024 membership is included. There is no need to renew. .
MEMBER NEWS: Please welcome Kevin Barron, Maribel Bledzycki, Mack Budzowski, Kimberly Carlson, Carmen Centeno, Vicki Diers, Betty Hoeffner, Amy House, Andrew Howell, Max Kraus, Jamie Mosher, Carol Mudryk, Beverly Mueller, Jayla Muse and Barbara O’Donnell to our group. Happy to have you with us! We have some exciting projects in the works.
OFFICER ELECTION: It’s time once again to elect (or re-elect) board members and a president. You will be receiving a call from one of the membership committee as to whether or not you would like to run for a position. Nominations will also be taken from the floor at our next general meeting.
MUSEUM UPDATE: Thanks to the efforts of our hard-working members, and spearheaded by Sue Hanson and Kim Atkinson, our museum restoration has been completed. Existing exhibits were updated and new exhibits were added. Everything was cleaned and the walls were painted.
The museum will be open the first and third Saturdays of the month from 1:00 to 3:00pm beginning now through the end of April. Starting in May, we will be open every Saturday from 1:00 to 3:00pm through October. If you are available to be a docent please contact Pat Rupcich at 708-927-4522. A docent provides a welcoming greeting and assists museum visitors to the best of their ability.
TIN CEILING TILES: The beautiful tin tiles that were removed from our ceiling are for sale. The cost is $20 per 2x4 foot section and $10 for a 2x2 foot section. Tiles are from 1904 St. Paul Lutheran Church making them 120 years old. Please spread the word; contractors welcome.
ACQUISITIONS: During our museum renovations we received numerous donations to add to our displays.
· Thornton State Bank metal savings bank circa 1931; Bride’s Bowl circa 1880-1905; Jane-Alex Tavern matchbook cover, Famous Thornton Lager Beer matchbook cover, letterhead/envelope White Bear Brewing Co.; White Bear Amberlite Pilsner beer labels for bottles; Old Fashioned Lager Beer Bottle Caps (2); Various photo postcards of Thornton Public School/children early 1900s. – donor Debbie Lamoureux
· Beer Sign – donor Fred Walker
· Wedding Dress of Vernelle Ellis circa 1947 – donor daughter Paulette Ellis Pearson
· Bridal Bag – donor Kim Atkinson
· Coat Rack from Nick’s Place tavern and Nick Rupcich’s walking cane – donor grandson Jim Rupcich
UPCOMING PROGRAMS & EVENTS: See the enclosed calendar for 2024. Please check our webpage, for special events and trips. Historical Society members will be notified of trips before the general public, so if we don’t have your email address, be sure to send it to us at