It’s Membership renewal time, due Feb. 1! Please encourage your friends to join. We are always happy to have new members. Dues are as follows: Individual Member $15, Life Member $150, Youth (18/under) $5, Organization $45. Make checks payable to Village of Thornton Historical Society and mail with name, address, phone and email address to: PO Box 34, Thornton, IL 60476.
The Historical Society would like to take part in the Thornton Parade this year if the village has one. We would like someone to be the head of the Parade Committee. This would involve filling out the paperwork with the Village, securing a suitable vehicle and decorating, and getting members to ride in it and throw candy.
We have the position of Vice President open if anyone is interested in taking on a more active role in the Society. Pat Rupcich of our nominating committee will get in touch with you soon. The election will be held at our April meeting.
Although our museum is closed for renovations until further notice, our back hall remains open for programs and events. Please use side door. Look for our displays at the Thornton Library!
February 27 at 7:00 p.m. General Meeting – “Rachel Carson, Silent Spring & Birth
of Modern Ecology” by Leslie Goddard
March 27 at 7:00 p.m. General Meeting – "Snoopy, Sparky, & Peanuts: The
Life of Charles M. Schulz" by Jim Gibbons
April 24 at 7:00 p.m. General Meeting – Program: "Cleopatra, the Last
Pharaoh of Egypt" by Martina Mathisen
May 8 at 6:00 p.m. Annual Dinner Meeting, location TBD
Our Quarry tours are sold out for 2023 and spring of 2024. Tours of the Thornton Quarry take place on the first Saturday of June and October. All guests must be 18 years old. We will have an updated Quarry booklet for sale as well as new designs for T-shirts.
Coming up in the Fall: Field Trip to Starved Rock State Park. More Info later.
DIGGING INTO THORNTON’S PAST – When the Gypsies Came Through
Parents long ago would warn their children not to go near the Gypsies when they came through Thornton each year. This Chicago Tribune newspaper article, dated 1906, is a good indication why:

Jim Rupcich, President
VACANT, Vice President
Kim Atkinson, Treasurer
Sue Hanson, Secretary
Neringa Aleksonis
Tom Ellis
Debbie Lamoureux
Paulette Pearson (Board President)
Pat Rupcich
Marti Thompson
Fred Walker